Sunday, March 13, 2011

The easy as 1-2-3.

The NRRL follows a simple format:

Enter 5-7 runners from your roster for the next race on your regional schedule and run fast!  The chip timing does the rest.

Teams only need to compete in the races in their region, and therefore are only in competition with the other teams in that region.  For instance, a DC team need not worry about either of the Delaware schedules or teams.

Team members do not need to register/compete in each race, which is the benefit to having more than 7 people on your roster.  Your team can rotate the starting lineup any way you choose.

The scoring is quite simple, as it follows the same model used in high school and collegiate cross-country, as well as most local 5k's that have a team competition.  Your first 5 runners across the line are your scoring runners.  Whatever place/rank they finish gets added to the team score, so the low score wins (e.g., 1st place = 1 point, etc).

There is a Rules document and FAQs page on the NRRL website with more details, but don't look too far past the basics. 

Registration for each runner is the first step for your team and is done quicker than a 100-meter dash!

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